Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Passion versus profit?

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop by Gerry Roberts (Author of Millionaire Mindset). He was very interesting and entertaining and although I don't entirely agree with some of the things he says, he makes some very solid points and I got some really interesting things to ponder from it. 

Now the particular workshop that I attended was called "How to write a book and grow rich". Being a 'writer' type person this concept got me curious as well as worried in some ways, my inner book geek was already signaling my brain with a red flag... Can you really write a book and get money from it?

You can apparently. If you write, a profit book. A profit book is that book that is clearly marketed and has a particular goal in mind. You write that book and you sell it to your target market. And the people you sell it to won't necessarily even read it. Spelling mistakes and English don't really matter as much (insert shocked look) . Your book becomes the marketing tool for yourself and you use it to sell or whatever your purpose is.

This is very different from a passion book. A passion book is the book you want to write that may not sell all that well. That collection of poems, that young adult novel... Things that mean more to you but you're not exactly sure if you'll live like JK Rowling from the sales.

It's a bit like life though isn't it? You either get the job that is only half or maybe not even what you want to do and make money from it or you do something that makes you happy but possibly only gives you just a bit of that financial stability...

And this is where I ask myself, do I want to sell out or not? 

This picture by Dallas Clayton (who is an incredible children's book author as well as an awesome person!), basically reinforced my feelings and is now my new mantra. I think you probably know the answer on where I stand on the debate of passion versus profit. 

Do you know yours?

Geek with a pencil.

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