Wednesday, 12 March 2014

What people need to remember...

There has been a lot of news about MH370 and at the same time, hardly anything at all. There's still a lot of speculation and we only get the small pieces of this gigantic puzzle.

I am not here to speculate on the why's and how's of this but there are a few things that people need to remember...

It Has Nothing To Do With Religion, Race, Politics, Etc. 

There are some people out there who are bringing religion, race and other factors into the picture. Using it as a tool to justify what has happened or simply to prove a point regarding their own actions. I have heard stories and seen pictures on social media depicting such outrageous behaviour.

Anger, Disbelief and Shame are just some of the feelings that have emerged lately.

The people on board MH370 are just that. People.  They are human beings. And they should be recognised as so. Nothing less and nothing more.

We need to show respect to those affected and their loved ones but we should also remember that we need to respect each other. Tensions are high at this point. The least we can do is be civil.

Don't Trust Everything You Hear Or Read

There are plenty of people who are going around spreading lies and putting their name out there for their own selfish gain. With the internet, it's done in a snap.

If you choose to go through social media for your news regarding this matter, only go for legitimate sources such as CNN for example.

Even if something seems legitimate, you should make sure to throughly check your sources before sharing anything.

It's hard enough getting proper information but when the wrong sort of information gets out, it only makes things worse. So let's try to keep the rumours to a minimum, maybe?

Negativity Does No Good

Social media has been ripe with rumours and false leads, as people have been trying to pin point the cause of this tragedy. Theories abound and suddenly everyone is an aviation expert.

Of course, it's easy to sit behind a computer and push the blame on someone else, some other entity. But playing the blame game is not going to do any good until more concrete evidence is found. It only leads to negativity.

With all that's going on, we should try our best to be positive. Of course, it's easier said than done, but pointing fingers is hardly productive either.

Final Thoughts

Basically, I just hope that more people will use better judgement in approaching this sensitive issue. The way a person responds and reacts in times of trouble reveals a lot about them. What do you think this reveals about you?

Geek with a pencil.

P.s. My prayers and thoughts are with the loved ones of the people on MH370. Let us keep on hoping for the best.

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