Thursday, 27 February 2014

First impressions of a life without TV...

I feel like this post should perhaps start in a fashion similar to some great war journal simply because my challenge of a life without TV is like going to war.

It has been 24 hours or so since I started the challenge. The enemy is everywhere. Hope is here but I grow weary and tired. They close in every day...

Even as this typing ensues, I am sitting across from a big screen that is somehow managing to taunt me in its silence.

I kind of knew that a lot of my spare time went to the box but I didn't realise just how much. Meal times are generally with the presence of a television screen and it has become second nature to sit in front of these things.

Even retreating back to my dad's hometown, the noises seemed to invade my senses and my eyes easily become attracted to the bright screen unconsciously as if put under a spell.

I have also come to an epiphany of sorts regarding another piece of technology... My mobile phone.

With my sleepy face on in the morning, I first reach for my phone and instantly check my whatsapp and other things. In addition to no TV, I am trying my best to use my phone less.

There are upsides to a life without TV thus far.

I finally had the chance to read and finish a Mitch Albom book. A book in a day. Makes me think of all the books that I could have read...

There's also now a more conscious effort to focus on other things such as my writing and my family. A focused mind and attitude free of the frivolous distractions does wonders I guess.

The challenge is still on and there is still a long way to go. Let's hope I don't falter huh?

Geek with a pencil.

P.S. Anyone else setting a challenge for yourself this year? Comment and we can spur each other on perhaps.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Challenge Accepted?

As many of you have probably noticed, it is kind of hard for me to keep to something like blogging because of things like life and what not. Also cos writing really takes consistency which I am pretty crap at. So, how do I keep myself blogging and at the same time do something beneficial for me?

By combining it into a challenge of sorts perhaps?

After a bit of thought, I have decided to give up TV and with that TV shows, for now.

My first instinct these days when I wake up is to turn on the television and become a couch potato. I could do so much more with that time. I do other things too, of course, but it's funny how that becomes my first instinct. Granted, my primary school days were filled with endless Disney Channel Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network programs which probably didn't really help at all.

Therefore, for 3 months, I shall give up TV and TV shows (this means that I shall not be watching it online and in other ways as well). I don't know if I'll be able to do this but at least it shall be a social experiment of sorts and a test of my will power. Who knows if I can do it for the 3 months maybe I'll extend it to 6 months later on.

During this time, I shall actively post on this blog at least twice a week with a record of what's been going on as a way to keep myself focused... and you know, in case anyone is interested in knowing how it's been going.

Let the 'NoTVForTash' Campaign begin!

Geek with a pencil.

Friday, 14 February 2014

5 reasons why the Internet is your perfect Valentine...

1) It will always be there for you... (Dependent on your connection).

2) It will always entertain you. What TV?

3) It can romance you like no other. Oh yeah...

4)  Google. Just Google.

5) The Internet is where all your friends are anyway, right? Win!

Whatever your plans for today, have a Happy Valentine's Day folks <3!

Geek with a pencil.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Believing in yourself and making your decisions

There comes a point in time when everyone feels defeated.

It's hard to believe in yourself when everyone else keeps putting you down and questioning your choices.

And then the reflection commences...

Were the choices your own or were they led to you by varying factors?

Just placed in front of you conveniently, which makes it easier. Or perhaps they were placed on your shoulders like shoulder pads that can't be removed. Most of the time it's a combination of both. 

Then the epiphany hits you.

Time to start making your own damned decisions!

It's going to be a battle, definitely. More epic than any fantasy sequence you've ever encountered before.

There will people who will still put you down, who won't understand why you're doing the things that you are doing. Block those people out. Don't linger on negativity.

There will be people who support you, who will lend you whatever resources and strengths that they can. Thank them and channel their positive spirit to help you get to where you want to go.

All this leads to one thing...

Learning from the past and knowing when to believe and trust yourself to make the right decision... Not for anyone else but for you.