Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Material memories

So, I've only got about 14 days to go before I head back to Malaysia for good. The packing is crazy, no doubt. And with this comes some decisions that I need to make as far as what I keep and what gets given away and such.

This feels very much like spring cleaning, only worse. Why? Because I can't just keep the stuff that I don't really want to throw away.

It's amazing just the sheer amount of stuff I've collected in my 5 years. Which leads me to this question...

How materialistic can one actually get?

I'm a collector (and hoarder) of many things. Earrings and hats are just a couple of my vices. Each one holds different memories and different feelings for me. 

This makes me conflicted. I know that material things aren't important but sometimes these little things seem to bring out the wonderful nature that my personality represents. The colour and energy that I have deep within me somehow gets enhanced with objects and I love making people smile with the quirky things I put on.

It's also interesting to see just how important one thing is compared to everything else for any individual. Whether it's a bottle cap collection or an assortment of figurines, everyone has something that they hold dear. 

What's important to me? This could probably be summed up in my response to my father when he asked if I really needed certain goods:

"I rather bring back my books than my clothes." - [
And I really do mean it!] 

Of course, nothing really counts as much as the experiences and the memories that you make with loved ones. Those are things that you keep with you forever.


Geek with a pencil.

P.s. So what is it that you hold dear and could probably never ever throw away? Share em in the comments.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

She is...

She is beauty
Captured in every moment

She is light


She is Strength
By the pound

She is wisdom
With ease

She is grace
Like royalty

She is love
Selfless and sincere

She is comfort

She is 

Written in honour of upcoming Mother's Day. Dedicated to my lovely mom and all mothers out there. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

What GE13 showed me...

I'm not one for politics but with all that's been going on recently I feel compelled to make sense of this somehow. And words help me do this.

As a Malaysian, it was hard not to find your feed on social media exploding with all things politics. Tensions were at an all time high just a day before the election. You could just not escape it.

And then election day came, many people were upset over lots of things. 'Phantom' voters and other sneaky tactics that have come about...

I will not talk politics BUT I will talk basic human decency.

One thing that I could see running rampant on social media was all the take about race. Videos were circulated of people of different races having issues with each other. Some statuses were personal and others were not. Doing your civic duty does not mean that you stop being civil to others.

Honestly, I am disgusted with the way some people act. It's the sort of sickness that makes me wish that I could be something other than human, so I would not have to deal with the stupidity of some.

Malaysia has always been a multicultural country to live in. Festivities are always something to look forward to. Yet, some find it hard to accept that is indeed so vastly diverse. It is indeed such a shame.

From all this negativity, there also lies optimism. There is still time to make a difference.

You can't change other people but you can change yourself.

I will do my best to do this and maybe, just maybe, we could all move forward, just a little bit more at least. What is done is just done, let us work for a better future.

Geek with a pencil.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013

There aren't many things that you can get for free in today's world. So Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is a pleasant and welcomed change for most geeks out there. Especially when we tend to spend lavishly on the things we love.

FCBD happens on the 1st Saturday of May every year and it is self explanatory. Basically, you get free comics! There are particular comics that are released exclusively for FCBD and people can have a look at the website to have a glimpse at what sort of comics they would be interested in getting. There are a variety of different choices and there are even some targeted at kids to encourage the habit of reading. Different stores have their own policies and collection to choose from.

The great thing about FCBD is that it encourages everyone to visit their local comic book stores and have a great time. Some of the stores even have local comic illustrators ready to sketch something out for you for free, all for the sake of their passion.

This year was my first time participating in FCBD and it was a great experience. I managed to get quite a few interesting selection of comics. 2 were bought. Mostly for me but some for my fella as well.

His and Hers FCBD loot.

Most interesting experience? Lining up to get inside a store.

Best part about FCBD? That it was also May the 4th, so STAR WARS! Hence, I acquired myself a suitable date, courtesy of a friend.

Always had a thing for bad boys...

So yeah, why not try taking part in FCBD next year? May the force be with you always!

Geek with a pencil.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Steel lines

I am present
Enveloped in water

I look up at the ceiling 
There are steel lines
I think of mermaids 
And how they only look 

I can search for the sun
They cannot

Defiant splashes
Looking for a way out

Body is hovering
My thoughts continue to sink.