Friday, 25 April 2014

5 Lessons Archie Comics Taught Me On What Not To Do In Dating

I can't remember  when I read my first Archie Comic but I think what attracted me most was the colour and composition of the layout as well as the stories. I don't know about you guys but it was one of the first ways that I came to learn about the complex relationships between males and females. 

I mean Archie has the sweet Betty Cooper and upper class Veronica Lodge chasing after him all the time. And then they have a rag tag bunch of friends with their own relationship troubles. They might not have all the answers but here's the 5 things I've learned on what NOT to do in dating from Archie Comics.

1) Don't keep chasing after someone who can't decide if he loves you or not

Archie can never decide between Betty and Veronica. And even if he did in some small section of a story, then in the next one, he's right back to not being sure as to which one to take to prom. 

Whether you're a guy or a girl, you shouldn't have to be in a situation where you constantly need to chase after someone, so that he won't be going around dating 'the other person'. You should have a bit more self respect and worth than that, right?

2) Don't date within your circle of friends

There was always so much drama with Archie and the gang. Archie dates Betty one night, then Veronica the next. Reggie takes Betty out and then Midge later on. This was basically pre-tv Gossip Girl!

Unless you've got your eye on a particular person within your circle that you've been crushing on forever (or maybe just realised that you have?), I would suggest not rotating dates within your own circle. Broken hearts will be 10 times messier and friendships will turn into picking who's side you're on.

3) Don't let yourself get caught up in the pursuit of the perfect significant other

Ethel is an interesting character as she's always featured mainly for one thing. Her love for the boy by the name of Jughead Jones. The running gag being that Jughead always has to keep on running (like literally) from her. She's not the prettiest of the bunch but she's got many other great qualities.

Don't be an Ethel who chases after a certain other or a certain type of other that you normally go for. Give yourself the chance to discover the different types of personalities out there in the dating realm. Who knows? Maybe the right one is someone that is totally different to what you were chasing.

4) Don't go beyond your means when it comes to going on dates

In a majority of the strips, Archie often gets in trouble for not being able to cover the cost of the meal for him and his date. Either his date will have to pay for him (tsk, tsk, tsk) or he ends up washing dishes (YOU DON'T GO INTO A RESTAURANT IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY!) to pay them back.

Guys and gals, if you wanna go somewhere for a date or plan something nice, make sure you have the finances to. If not, just spend some quality time together doing stuff that doesn't require a lot of money. Walks in the park anyone?

5) Don't let a relationship ruin your friendship

This seems pretty obvious but in the comic, you can best see this in the Betty-Archie-Veronica triangle. Betty & Veronica are supposedly the best of friends, right? Even though they are pretty different in personality, they still care for each other and have each other's backs. Unless it involves Archie. Scheming and lots of tricks happen after that.

I've always been confused as to how they've managed to stay friends when they are both  in 'love' with the same guy. It's not really possible is it? Feelings are complicated and when you throw in friends into the mix it becomes even more so. 

I still pick up the comic sometimes. It makes for a fun read, so why not? Still, after all this time, I wonder about one question in particular... What on earth do girls see in Archie? Well, with the decision to kill Archie off, I for one will be glad that the girls of Riverdale (particularly Betty & Ron) will finally be able to move on.
Geek with a pencil.

P.s. So what are you own thoughts on the depictions of romance in the comics? C'mon, share in the comments!

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