Friday, 26 July 2013

The unluckiest girl in the world

Her name was Lucy,
And as the fates would have it,
She was the unluckiest girl in the world.

Physically she was fine,
Why, she was quite sublime,
Always had such bad luck,
Especially with baby ducks!

Every time she walked, she fell,
And everyday a new tale of horror to tell,
Always with her first aid kit,
Cos she knows that she'll need it.

Never did she win lucky draws,
She always picked the bad straw,
Never did she get picked for games,
All so scared, they didn't dare say her name.

Though her body was heavy with bruises,
Her smile was always light, 
And when people pushed her down,
She didn't put up a fight.

All she did was smile,
And said this in heart,
"If I don't learn to love and appreciate me,
Who else will play the part?”

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The good, the bad and the supposed fat

Ever since yesterday, the social media world has been filled with a lot of emotion over a Star Newspaper article. 

Yeap, you all know the one that I'm talking about.

I was disgusted and cringing when I read the article. Disgusted at the lack of sensitivity portrayed by the author and cringing at the use of words, grammar and the general flow of the piece itself.

I consider myself to be a bit on the heavy side as well, so certain words that she uses hit a nerve with me. They bring back the scars that I'm still trying to heal. This is the truth.

More than anything though I believe this article is just an insulting and hurtful piece of whatever.

Who are you, Ms. Tee Lin Say, to make such assumptions about people based on their appearance?

Were you never judged for your appearance as well?

Since then, she has received a backlash of angry comments on her facebook page. As much as I'd like to think that she deserves most of the comments that she's getting, I also believe in killing our enemies with kindness. Maybe all she needs is a better perspective and this drama will hopefully serve as her wake up call. Well, one can hope.

Geek with a pencil.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

A sense of giving

Some people just like to give. Whether it is in the form of time, money or something else that holds value to someone else, without any prodding, they will give with all that they can. I admire these sort of people. They give without expecting anything in return. A majority of these people would be mothers. 

Then you meet people who give and expect you to give something back in exchange. I scratch your back, you scratch mine sort of scenario... This is the more common occurrence in today's society. 

Not that we don't have any sincere selfless people at all. They are rare.

Perhaps this is why when one sees an act of kindness, it leaves such a profound impact for a longer period of time.

It makes you question your own belief system and your own views toward charity.

Do you make giving an obligation? 

Does it matter more if you give during the holy month of Ramadan? 

Does charity really begin at home?

These and many other questions start playing in your head as you try to make more sense of doing good. 

Sometimes, you have the best of intentions but are unsure if you can trust the people that you want to help. This is not uncommon.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing. Sincerity. You can fake it all you want but the best sort of giving comes with a sincere smile. You can't buy those now can you?

Geek with a pencil.